Ok, Who Stole My Stereo??
So last week someone decided to break into my car and steel my car cd/radio player. That really pissed me off. Not only did they steel it, this person broke my lock on my door and also ripped the plastic panel around my heater and radio. Most of the cost will be covered by my insurance(thanks goodness for car insurance) and my rates won't go up. Which is a good thing. I had the police come over and write a report about my cd/radio player. It is a 50/50 chance that I will get it back. If they end up finding the person who did it...that person is going to pay big time for sure....Moving along to something totally different...hmmm I'm enjoying the Brock Pride meetings so far. They are usually entertaining. Which is a good thing. I have seen some cute guys at the meetings. There are few of them who I would like to get to know better. I hope they feel the same way! lol Anyhow that's all for now.
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