Some Thoughts
Will there be a Gayla on Saturday Night?? That is the question everyone is wondering today. I hope we don't end up canceling this Gayla because there have been a lot of people who have worked hard doing this. I just don't understand why it hasn't received more attention? It just makes me wonder. I really want to go to this Gayla. I know it would be a wonderful thing to go to...Why do people break up, then get back together, then break up, then get back together so many times? I mean I could see breaking up once, then trying it again to see if it would workout. But anymore than three times, you are really pushing it. Is it fair? I know a few people who are in this situation and I ask myself why do you want to do this when you know in your heart you don't love that person? Are you lonely? Do you think you may never find someone else that could give you happiness? My advice(and I think you should take this) is there are plenty of "fish in the sea" for you. It is like have this hammer and you use it all the time. Then one day it breaks. So you decide to glue it back together(but you do know in your heart that it will break again). You use the hammer for a bit and once again it breaks. You can't fix it. So you go to the hardware store and you start looking for another one. You take a look at the selection and you try different hammers out. But you're not sure which one you really want to use yet. But then you find one that is just right for you. It is different from the last one you used. And you enjoy it a lot. You can't wait to try it out....